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A story of quality "qualitas"

This is the story of those who want to achieve perfection without making mistakes!

At the same time, it is the ability to meet the demands and potential of human communities while trying to reach the final level of satisfaction of those who perform their capabilities and functions within a certain time and process under certain conditions and the ability to have a high-level targeted governance approach.

So, is it difficult to have this understanding and take part in this story?

Actually, it's easy. In order to give back, it is necessary to accept this understanding, find a role in the story, internalize the scenario of the role, and act in coordination with the facts that have other roles. So what are Qualitas? It can be predicted that there may be people wondering, but actually this is the same as the Quality we all know. Qualitas, derived from the Latin word Qualis, which means how it is formed, is an important concept and phenomenon whose processes have been tried to be applied throughout human history; It is the same as the expression Quality we use today, and this expression is a sign of satisfaction that satisfies our expectations. Therefore, it is an indispensable phenomenon that has come to the fore and has become more important day by day, concerning the products and services offered to the end consumer/customer in the markets in recent times, a story that people want to reach and are involved in every purchase; It can also be considered as an affirmed result of a systematic process that should be included especially in product and service marketing, which works in the final analysis and aims to achieve maximum customer satisfaction.

In this context, According to what? "Quality" according to whom? To briefly describe the approach; It can be considered as an important approach based on public interest, which can be supported by a determined and approved standard, minimize unfair competition and create a basis for trust. Perhaps the most valuable and sustainable form of being able to say how high-quality a product or service is... Therefore, in this form, Quality can be seen as producing/service according to pre-agreed specifications/standards and creating continuous satisfaction for the end consumer. Quality, which is also used in the sense of best meeting certain conditions sought by the customer, which we call the buyer, can also be defined as the "degree of suitability for purposes". The expressed concept of Purpose is defined as meeting the demands and needs of the user/consumer. While its borders are constantly expanding, technology, changing conditions and needs can bring different dimensions to quality. It is dynamic in terms of its quality and develops and changes in parallel with consumer needs. Therefore, producing products or services should be considered a very serious business. Manufacturers have to produce higher quality products or services at optimum cost and meet consumer demands for quality by developing new techniques and new ways of organization by collecting data. While the expectation of high prices/high profits in products and services comes to the fore, especially with the economic squeeze experienced worldwide after the pandemic, the quality offered to the end consumer cannot find its place in the same course. It is pointed out and discussed that there is important evidence that the desired points cannot be reached as a result of high turnover based on targets in production centers, high profit pressure, high levels of increase in costs and negative socio-economic developments, and the concept of quality in the end consumer has weakened. The concept of Poor Quality instead of Quality has started to come to the fore. Organizations that believe that they apply quality processes under normal conditions and include control processes in production, aim to produce products and services under the most economical conditions that meet customer expectations and offer their products and services to the customer at the lowest prices, thanks to their quality control practices. Thanks to quality practices, customers can purchase the products and services that best suit their expectations and economic situation. Although quality ensures obtaining the highest benefit at the best cost, some business owners may view quality management processes as a source of additional burden and expense. However, the costs of effective quality management are much lower compared to the damages caused by poor quality products/services. In other words, the cost of poor quality can be said to be quite high. Poor quality can be a serious problem that can lead businesses to bankruptcy if precautions are not taken. There are important quality management approaches that come to the fore in the development of quality in production and service processes and are widely accepted, such as Total Quality Management, and can be applied. Quality control, quality assurance and quality improvement are the most well-known elements within this managerial approach.

Quality control; It is the whole of the verification activities carried out to check the compliance of products or services with the determined standards and requirements and the methods and tools used during these activities.

Quality assurance; It is a set of planned activities that include quality planning, organization and control within a system to ensure the production of quality products or services that will fully meet customer expectations.

Quality improvement; It ensures that errors in products/services are minimized and these products/services reach better quality levels. In addition, today, the competitive advantages of businesses are increasing in direct proportion to their continuous improvement and quality improvement efforts. The increase in customer and employee satisfaction levels as a result of quality improvements is an important indicator of this (Cabuk, 2013)."

In the light of this information, in the story of Qualitas/Kalite, providing the level of satisfaction in the consumer/customer and making the customer call quality product seems to be an achievable goal, and it is understood that the quality management approach can be achieved by including it in the production/service processes.

With this managerial approach, it can be clearly stated that companies that play their role well in the market, which is the scene of the story, will stand out one step further with the quality mark they have achieved, will be more competitive and will always be accepted by the customer. 

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