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The strength of a chain is equal to its weakest link! It is actually one of the most commonly used sentences when predicting and describing the possible outcome of a functionality.

If we tell a little story about the subject; Let's think of each individual as a ring of a chain in a horizontal course and assume that these chain rings come together and form the chain in a way that gets strength from each other. Let's imagine that this chain spends a certain amount of power while doing its job, that each link has an active role in the formation of this power, and that it fulfills its function by reaching the total power of the chain. Let's assume that the task process of the chain continues in a positive way...

Imagine that while all functions are being performed, a link in the chain suddenly breaks! What do you think the strength of the chain will be?

Today and for the future, infrastructures have been established to establish that it is more effective and democratic to create a chain hierarchy based on horizontal relations rather than a superior-subordinate hierarchy in human societies and intra-institutional or inter-institutional relations within societies, and that if a link cannot do its job, the chain will be invalid. This managerial approach is implemented with Blockchain connections, a new form of governance, with the support of Web3.0 information technologies.

Blockchain forms the infrastructure of smart contracts to maintain integrity with decentralization. Therefore, environments where smart contracts are used in processes such as decision-making and partnering of an institution in a business relationship are called Digital Distributed Partnership (DAO). In environments similar to this; When you evaluate an institution, organization or company, it is thought that smart contracts can be used to operate corporate democracy in decision-making processes, and this process is included as the definition of Algocracy, in other words, management by algorithm "algorithmic democracy".

According to this vision, everyone uses the information they have, the confidentiality of the information can be ensured, and in addition to confidentiality, there can be no technical intervention in the process. If the information to be stored in the chain changes, the chain in the block becomes invalid. The entire chain can be traced by other links in the chain. Therefore, it is stated that full transparency and immutability can be established in the system.

According to another view; In Algocracy, where the hierarchy is replaced by "code" and procedures are replaced by "program", a horizontal integration is recommended, unlike bureaucracy, and it is predicted that the power of the management will be lower (Yılmaz, 2021).

Considering that algorithms are at the core of smart contracts and Algocracy applications that assume that democracy will fully function in management; Algorithms are now used to automate the work done in the administrative processes of corporate structures. As the digitalization of processes increases, applications within the concept of smart environments (smart applications such as navigations, smart devices, smart buildings, smart cities, etc.) are trying to manage existing corporate systems within the concept of governance by involving people in some decisions, with less bureaucracy and higher horizontal participation.

"Algocracy is also defined as a governance model developed to partially or completely remove the human factor from the decision-making mechanisms of governance. Therefore, Rule Sets, Deterministic Algorithms, Heuristic Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence Algorithms; from performance evaluations in workplaces to who banks will give loans to, from security systems to suggestions on social media platforms." Algorithms can find a place in different areas of life. Algorithms are also used in governance systems where rule sets are insufficient. When you examine it, they are currently much stronger than humans in many areas, from playing board games such as chess and Go to controlling unmanned drones and helping doctors diagnose patients. Artificial intelligence systems exist. However, these artificial intelligences only achieve success on the problems they are designed to solve. An artificial intelligence equivalent to the concept of general intelligence used to define human intelligence has still not been created. However, some scientists think that this is only a matter of time (Uluer, 2022).”

In case the weight of the algocracy in the governance system is increased, the measurability of the governance system will increase, even though it is prone to some errors and weaknesses, and thus the system will become more suitable for optimization, it will become harder to abuse, it will reduce the workload by minimizing bureaucracy, and it will increase its reliability, efficiency and speed, It is stated that decisions will begin to be made more independently of emotions.

In the light of this information, the algorithm that forms the basis of algocracy; A way designed to solve a problem and achieve a goal...

After the initial situation for doing a job is clearly determined and the instructions related to the basic tasks related to the behavior that will solve the problem until the last situation in the work process are operationalized to reach the result in a certain sequence step by step; Algocracy, in the context of a method or form of social order, in an environment where computer algorithms, especially technologies such as artificial intelligence and blockchain, with the intensification of Web3.0 information technologies, can be used in legal regulations, law making and generally in any part of daily life such as transportation or land registry; It is considered as an alternative governance model of the digital age.


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