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Transforming technological learning process

After the Covid-19 Pandemic, the impact of information technology, its diversification and role in learning processes continues to grow day by day.

Is information technology transformative or disruptive? While the discussions that started with the question are increasing day by day, a transforming technological learning process is taking place in human life. Perhaps, within the concept of transforming technological learning, the learning person is also changing and transforming.

Differentiation of today's people's needs and desires under the influence of information technologies related to this change; It may also be an indication that definitions of evolution and change in the socioeconomic and cultural fields have diversified. Therefore, needs and desires may vary and differ from person to person. Since change is not standard and varies according to time and person, the good or bad phenomenon in the learning process can also shape a person's will. In this context, humans are creatures that are always open to learning and changing biologically, socially and culturally. As Plato said, “there is only one good; knowledge and there is only one evil; ignorance". The knowledge or ignorance that arises from a person's learning can positively or negatively affect the process of change in his life.

Change and learning are intertwined in humans, everything starts with learning. All of them, including books, letters, multimedia and today's internet technologies, have been and continue to be the most important supporters of learning. Learning is a living, lifelong phenomenon. When learning something, people want to learn with quality, properly designed training programs and planned, short, pragmatic learning infrastructures. He diversifies his own learning process. Every time he learns, he takes one step further. While experiencing this, he tries to obtain information from open educational resources, educational institutions, and other educational materials that guide the learning process in order to improve himself in a particular subject. Therefore, with today's technologies, many open, remote resources can be easily accessed via the internet. With online learning programs and applications suitable for connecting to interactive networks over the Internet, one can shorten the learning process by eliminating synchronous, asynchronous, time and space limitations. It is learner-centered and can create a new ground that can change itself by interacting with every point in the internet networks. Therefore, while experiencing a change process, it may be included in the phenomenon of good or bad in the interaction of learning processes.

Man always wants to learn, the learning codes inherent in his nature begin with the first step he takes in life, challenging his capacity to access knowledge. While learning, he is surprised, curious, questioning and always open to guidance. He wants to surpass himself and differentiate himself with what he has learned. While this process continues throughout life, new learning resources are needed at these stages, and the research and ability to access information continues. For him, learning and applying what he has learned is a system that is always open to change. While he struggles to obtain his basic needs in daily life, he wants to change and update himself according to the situation. In this context, easily accessible materials such as open educational resources can be considered as a structure that will enable change in the easiest and shortest time. Turning what you learn into action with the desire to learn and enlightenment; It is the key and the beginning of the transformation after change in humans.

When the learner's relationship with technology is evaluated; At the point of what effects technology may have on learning; philosophy of politics and science, history of technology, ethics, computer programming, content design and development, user experience design, interaction with technology, robotics and coding, instructional design, technology management, working with big data, machine learning, artificial intelligence, deep learning, It is also on the agenda to implement knowledge and experience in many different fields of expertise such as individual learning, learning styles and strategies, cognitive strategies, systemic approach, open and distance learning.

The riskiest dimension in learning may be understandings and approaches that are contrary to the biological and natural structure of humans. There is much debate on this subject. There are also those who defend the thesis that the transformation phase after the change of a human being may be a technology-based risk for humanity and that it may separate humans from their nature and turn them into machines. As a remedy against similar theses, the approaches that act in coordination with ethical, scientifically supported, traditional, accurate, transparent and open learning methods in the training and education of people will reduce negative criticism.

It is stated that in a situation where interaction increased with Web 2.0, which started with Web 1.0 communication in the early 21st century, and Web 3.0, which followed these, the impact of developments in web-based information and communication technology planned for the future on human and social change may be beyond expectations. This situation is especially discussed in the Metaverse phenomenon after Web 3.0. This phenomenon, briefly expressed as the virtual universe and beyond; It may be a part of the effort to create a virtual universe on a technological basis that is an alternative to the astronomical universe that societies and science have been trying to discover for centuries. Therefore, opinions are increasing day by day that virtual products and services can rapidly change the environment with well-provided technological infrastructures and turn everything into a commercial commodity in this virtual universe. It is also stated that since new virtual learning environments will be provided to people with superior technologies in the virtual universe, people will learn quickly and change and transformation may have a destructive effect on old habits.

One of the first questions that comes to mind is; With the developments in information technologies in the globalizing world; How quickly can learning through networks change people? There may be a question. It is known that human beings have experienced a change in their nature in the historical process due to their creation, and there are many sources on this subject. Concerns are also expressed that, according to some scenarios, a dystopian society may be formed with the change and transformation of humans, and then a transition to an apocalyptic environment may occur. Therefore, change and transformation occur not only in human nature, but also in the environmental environments, including the technology, that it affects. Since humans are creatures that tend to adapt to the environment, they also have the ability to adapt themselves to the environment biologically and psychologically. The reason for every scientific research conducted is; Again, it may be the confusion, curiosity, questioning and effort to reach exploratory conclusions about each element of one's own existence. For this reason, as a person tries to discover himself, as he becomes interested in learning what is good, that is, knowledge, he can change himself by improving himself positively. The geography and effects of the sun and wind, including the air he breathes, as well as his diet, what he eats and drinks, and the environments he lives in, can cause a person to change and transform biologically and culturally over time. Therefore, it may be necessary to consider the issue as a phenomenon, go into the details of the problem and make sense of this phenomenon. The only concept that will change and transform people for the better is the ability to learn, to be enlightened, to talk about what they have learned, to argue, to reach conclusions and to use technology for the better. The effect of a possible change and transformation on the traditional, which may occur with the support of technology and open online learning methods that will increase in networks and digital environments in the near future, may increase devastatingly. Therefore, in every environment we interact with, people can find suitable ground and new environments to transform their future and strengthen the next generation with the information and learning obtained from digital open sources.

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